

We place a premium on some things here that you should know about:

  • People: The people here love and look out for each other. They do this in sincere ways. We don't treat folks like a number, and we take genuine interest in the needs of those around us.

  • Truth: We believe the Word of God, as contained in the Bible is true and we believe that encountering it should change us. Upon encountering it, we are not looking to make ourselves comfortable by changing its interpretation. We will uphold the Word in our preaching and teaching.

  • Compassion: Paul says in I Corinthians 13:1 that if we "speak with the tongues of men and angels and have not love, we are only a resounding gong"... In all things we do, our desire is to try to walk the miles with you, and care for you. We must show compassion, or we are not being true to the call God has placed on us.

  • Relationships: We laugh together, and we support each other, through thick and thin.

  • Fellowship: In addition to our monthly potluck, we also spend time together each Sunday morning over snacks and beverages, and catch up with one another. We welcome others to come experience this for themselves and if there are questions that come up about our mission, we always welcome a phone call from you.


Pineview Mennonite Church has a special story. Since it started in 1938, we have seen God's grace and provision for the church. We believe that God has shown His care for each of us through the experiences of those who have served this congregation before us. God has called us to be His people in this generation. We want to guide others towards Him because only He can save, redeem, restore, and change lives for His glory.